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About Yeehe
Our goal is to be the global localization solution. If you're ready to take on the world, Yeehe's your first choice to make it a reality. Players around the world deserve to enjoy the top-quality titles you're offering.

What We Offer
Yeehe provides games companies from all four corners of the world a top-class localization solution. So, how does it work? We'll provide natural-feeling translations for your games, cordial customer support services for players, record polished voice-overs to bring characters to life, conduct in-depth games testing and foster online social media communities for your gamers, too. Each service we offer is provided by a separate, dedicated branch of the Yeehe family.
Trusted by Players & Clients Alike
Localization Works
Our Rave Reviews

It makes you wonder: how did they do it? They took a 600,000-character Chinese wuxia game, and translated it into English!
—— Youyanshe, China's number-one gaming media company, in interview with Yeehe.

Yeehe's English-to-Chinese localization of The Outer Worlds was lauded by players as the 'this era's finest Chinese translation of a game', as interviewed by renowned games media powerhouse GCORES in their exclusive interview.

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